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Frequently Asked Questions

For more about Epic Genetics.

About Us

1. Why do DNA and epigenetic testing?

DNA testing has become popular in the last few years to learn about your ancestry. But using this information to improve your health and vitality, by helping you target the areas to focus on, rather than generic one size fits all health advice.


2. Do I need to purchase coaching too?

No, it's entirely up to you. The data can be overwhelming, and this can ultimately mean that you don't get the full benefits improving epigenetic modulation. A practitioner guides you through all your reports, connecting the dots. 


3. Is epigenetic coaching expensive?

The DNA part of the test is a one off cost. While testing your epigenetics or microbiome can give health insight for years after, so even if you are able only to afford infrequent testing, you can still get many of the health benefits.  We even give clients trade discount codes for the UK's top GMP certified supplement retailers. Health doesn't have to be expensive!


4. What is the process?

A saliva test will be posted to you for the Muhdo Health test. The TruDiagnostic test instead requires a few drops of blood  from a finger prick on a blood spot card. If this something you find difficult, purchasing a Tasso, makes drawing blood effortless. The Enbiosis Microbiome Test needs a stool swab. The results take 2-4 weeks once it at the lab. Details


5. Who does the testing?

We are a licensed reseller for Muhdo Health, TruDianostic, and Enbiosis. They do the testing, and we help interpret the data.


6. Do you take international clients?

Yes the test kits can be posted anywhere in the world. Muhdo Health reimburse up to $10 for shipping back to the UK. If you have availability during our UK time trading hours, then coaching is option too.


7. How secure is my data?

All our customers’ genetic data is triple locked. First our customers are anonymous to us in the database. Each customer is given a unique ID number, it is only with this code that the customer can unlock the data and have it displayed on their private mobile app. Secondly all customer data is encrypted throughout the data journey. So if anyone were to capture our data it would be both anonymous and encrypted. Thirdly we store customer genetic data on secure AWS servers. Finally, we are compliant with the highly stringent European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Where do I start?

Most people start with DNA test. Remember DNA is your hardware, so it doesn't whether you're feeling healthy or not. Some people chose to get further reports like the DNA 12 or Practitioner Report, see below in our for further details. These can be added at any time in the future.








Some customer purchase the epigenetic test simultaneously with a DNA test, but unlike your current health has a bearing on the results. You can either purchase Muhdo DNA Transform, which contains epigenetics too, or the TruAge Complete, which is more accurate and goes deeper into breaking your epigenetic biomarkers.







Both the DNA and epigenetic tests give an indication of gut inflammation risks, so often customers will do the Enbiosis Gut Microbiome Test following those. But we also do get customers who do this test straight away, if they are currently experiencing gut issues.

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